
What supplements should I take?

December 10th, 2013 ( Comments)

Many patients ask me what supplements should they take. This is going to vary depending on the individual needs of each patient but I will give some general recommendations. First of all everybody should be taking a multi vit/min, make sure this is of good quality, preferably organic, not what you can buy at Walgreens […]

Fall in Chinese Medicine

December 6th, 2013 ( Comments)

The sages use to observe nature and apply the same principles to attain balance and health. Fall is time to start retrieving and withdrawing to prepare for the winter. It is a time to let go of what is not useful and harvest what is useful and save it. This apply to mind, body, and […]

Primal (Paleo) lifestyle poster

September 20th, 2013 ( Comments)

Similar to Paleo’s diet Mark Sisson has made some changes and called it Primal Blueprint, I like his website ( and blog ( It is a gluten free diet and might not be good for everybody but it will help a lot of people, worth given it a try. Any questions feel free to leave […]

Gluten explained

June 4th, 2013 ( Comments)

This is a video from Dr. Osborne at Great information about gluten that you will not find in the mainstream media.

10 Worst Foods for Arthritis (click here to view/add comments)

August 23rd, 2012 ( Comments)

I don’t consider this to be an all inclusive list and not the 10 worst foods for arthritis, but none the less some good advice from to take into consideration and by all means avoid is you suffer from arthritis or any other inflammatory condition.

Top 10 Arthritis Healing Superfoods (click here to view/add comments)

August 23rd, 2012 ( Comments)

Even though this is not a magic pill or a cure all arthritis recommendation, here are some foods suggested by  that can help deal with any type of inflammation, especially joint pain/arthritis. Do not necessarily expect quick results, but if you have pain, make these foods part of your daily diet.

Chinese Herbal Teas to Boost Your Libido (click here to view/add comments)

August 23rd, 2012 ( Comments)

Here are some videos from David Wolfe, I like his information and knowledge, he has great products but expensive but at least you can get the gist of using herbs to make teas and smoothies at home, and using food in general as medicine.